EU ECO-TANDEM PROGRAMME is celebrating the achievements of the 3-year-implementation in the BIT Travel Exhibition in Milan on the 14th of February!
The past three years have definitely been a blast for the project. Witnessing the EU ECO-TANDEM network keeps on growing into a big community where tourism professionals, innovative businesses who provide sustainable solutions, and sustainable tourism passionists gather and use their voice to boost the make tourism green and flourish.
Finally, now it is time for us to celebrate and award the winners of the BIZ Programme! During the Awarding Ceremony, tourism professionals- Vanda Marakova, Francesca Martignoni, and Άντζελα Γκερέκου/Angela Gerekou will give a speech on the tourism sector. Join us and other green-minded people at Milan BIT Fair on the 14th of FEB!